The WerePups Crew.
It takes a lot more than one wolf momma to get things up and running.
This is our little page for Asia's team mates that keep her going and help wrangle the WerePups!

Anders Eriksen
Special FX artist, WerePup doctor,
Laboratory assistant
Anders Eriksen is a special FX artist, mostly known for his work replicating Freddy Krueger’s iconic weapon for his own company “Nightmare Gloves.” With over fifteen years of experience, Anders’ gloves are often referred to as the ultimate horror collectible, and are the only gloves on the market officially endorsed by Robert Englund.
Anders does not limit himself, however. As the founder of Doghead Studios, his body of work includes a wide variety of horror props, busts, masks, story boards and conceptual design for collectibles, film, and games.

Tony Bastone
Photographer, events coordinator,
Laboratory technician
Tony Bastone manages and runs the official home of the WerePups crew, the Hatboro Horror Shop. The Shop is where the WerePups make their final stop before being shipped out to their adoptive homes.
Among other things, Tony coordinates, films and photographs events for WerePups appearances, and makes sure that the WerePups database is running smoothly.
Tony is currently at work on his graphic novel, entitled “Death’s Dream.”
His new website “Dead Philly” launches in 2015.

Yvette Solomon
WerePup wrangler.
Yvette Solomon goes above and beyond to promote the WerePups around the world. She travels far and wide, making public appearances with WerePups, answering questions and offering a chance to see the WerePups in person. Her own travel-mate, Elias the WerePup has accompanied her to countless shows, and even made an appearance on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Yvette has also been known to bring out the very first “Ezra” to select shows, giving fans an opportunity to meet an original WerePups prototype.
Yvette is currently working with Asia on the production of a web-based reality series featuring an all new WerePup.

Helge Guterman
Social Media, customer service,
professional howler
The elusive man behind the web, Helge is responsible for much of the WerePups social media activity. Helge also helps tackle customer support, including our new “Pack Priority” line, and he keeps in close contact to coordinate with Asia Eriksen.
Helge is a currently working on a WerePups inspired comic strip, as well as his own screenplay entitled “Mr. Brinkman and The Cat.”

Baxter Brindle-Butt
cuteness coordinator
Pit bull/mastiff mix Baxter Brindle-Butt has production of the WerePups to thank for his life-saving heartworm treatment! In 2012, the 110 pound pooch was rescued and adopted by Asia and Anders Eriksen, who used sales of the original 11” latex versions of WerePups early on to raise the money for his treatments and care. Baxter is now heartworm free and enjoying life as a DogHead Studios mascot, model and reference for Asia as she sculpts noses and paws. Baxter often contributes his shed, white fur to be used as whiskers on the WerePups.